WW Black Squeeze
1991 Black Arabian Mare
(I Pharaoh x Mi Midnight Onyx)
SCID Clear
Squeeze is a black Arabian mare who has been certified to have
51% Crabbet/Blunt breeding. She also has some
old and new Egyptian blood. Squeeze is a very refined and beautiful
mare of superb disposition.
She has proven to be an excellent producer,
giving us some of our best foals! Two of
her sons have done exceptional in the show ring - Midnight
Enchantr and Ebriz Rakkas+.
Pictured below at 16 years old.

Pictured below with her 2006 filly Azarah Sirius

Pictured below with her 2004 Colt by Hot Every Nite

Pictured below in 2002

Pictured below: Squeeze and her son Midnight Enchantr